Title: Treasure Island
Book is one of my favourite objects, especially some valuable book just like "Treasure Island". I plan to read various books and collect them in my study. I created a sculpture for the book and I hope people can think about the content of the book when they appreciate it.
I used wire to create this book. In addition, I used different colours of wire to present diverse treasure. For example, I chose silvery wire to express silver, and I used golden wire to show gold. I used blue wire to make the key of treasure. Before I start to do it, I sketched it with contour line. First, I used one silver to make the basic structure of the book, and then, I shaped the letters for 'Treasure Island'. After that, I create the treasure with its key inside and protection outside. I tried to use contour lines to shape it, as well as pliers. Besides, I found it is difficult to shape wires into your ideal form.
I used lines and shapes to create forms. I also used 4 kinds of colours : silver, golden, blue and green.
In the sculpture, the treasure with its protection is the first layer, and English letters are the second layer for proportion. I also used unity to create the treasure and its protection.